Pricing - CheckMate
Checkmate - Checkout Upsells app offers a variety of features and benefits to help businesses improve their checkout process. In this article, we will discuss the Checkmate pricing plans and their associated benefits. Plan Price Our CheckMate pricing plan provides a comprehensive package at an unbeatable value. Here's a breakdown of the pricing plan: Recurring Charge For just $39 per month, you gain access to all the incredible features and functionalities of CheckMate. With the fFew readersProduct Offer functions
In this article, you will discover how to add and customize the product offer on the checkout page using the CheckMate app. You can customize the product offer to select which products will appear on the list. For more details, check out this article on How to create and set up a product offer. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the CheckMate product offer function on yoFew readersHow CheckMate Billing works
The Billing page allows you to manage your usage and monthly charges for CheckMate. Please note that the subscription payment for CheckMate is processed through Shopify App charges and follows Shopify's official billing model. Note: CheckMate offers a 14-day free trial, and the billing cycleFew readers